VII International School for Young Scientists
Active and Passive Methods of Brain Research

Dear SPbU students,

this is our pleasure to announce the VII International School for Young Scientists Active and Passive Methods of Brain Research, taking place on 10th – 12th November 2021 in National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow). The school supported by IBRAIN. Integrated Track in Brain and Cognitive Sciences (The Erasmus+). Travel and accommodation expenses are covered by the project.

School topics:
Day 1: Basics of non-invasive brain stimulation
Day 2: Combination of different neurostimulation techniques
Day 3: Estimation of neurostimulation / neuroimaging data

The motivation letter and CV please send to a senior researcher in Laboratory of Behaviour Neurodinamics, Saint-Petersburg State University Dr. Evgeny Blagovechtchenski

The registration form is now closed.

Thank you for taking interest in the VII International School for Young Scientists! All registered students will receive answers by November 1. 

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