Announcement of the 4th International Neurobiology of Speech and Language Conference.
4th International Neurobiology of Speech and Language Conference.
Dear colleagues,
We are delighted to announce the 4th International Neurobiology of Speech and Language Conference, taking place on 13th – 14th November 2020. This year due to the current COVID-19 situation we are trying a new online format, but our scientific scope remains, as always, rich and varied.
In the middle of November the Laboratory of Behavioural Neurodynamics (Saint Petersburg State University) will host the 2-day-long interactive online conference on a wide range of topics including the neurobiology and psychology of speech and language, second language acquisition and development, brain processes underlying language and other symbolic systems, such as music, and many others.
Keynote lectures:
Mari Tervaniemi (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Music and speech: Two facets of auditory cognition and their interplay
Kira Gor (University of Maryland, USA)
Fuzzy nonnative lexical representations
Olga Dragoy (Higher School of Economics, Russia)
Language pathways: The role of white-matter tracts in language processing
Flash talks presentations are open.
The working language of the conference is English, no translation services will be offered.
Dear conference members and attendees, please find the scientific program below. Kindly note that it is still subject to minor changes.
Organizing Committee:
Dr. Olga Shcherbakova (Saint Petersburg State University, Russia)
Prof. Yury Shtyrov (Saint Petersburg State University, Russia; Aarhus University, Denmark)
Varvara Averyanova (Saint Petersburg State University. Russia)
Ekaterina Andriushchenko (Saint Petersburg State University. Russia)
Ekaterina Blinova (Saint Petersburg State University. Russia)
Alexander Kirsanov (Saint Petersburg State University. Russia)
Ekaterina Perikova (Saint Petersburg State University, Russia)
In case of any questions, please feel free to contact us via e-mail: