Kostromina Svetlana
Professor, doctor, Ph.D.
Kostromina Svetlana
Research interests
Svetlana Kostromina uses in a wide interdisciplinary approach to focus on neurophysiological and psychological research of personal and professional development. In particular, she is interested in the problems of assimilation of information and the formation of a knowledge system; meta-cognitive and self-organizational processes of intellectual activity, personal development and self-motivation, and self-directed learning
In the Lab
Svetlana Kostromina works in a group, which is trying to understand the brain mechanisms underpinning the acquisition of abstract vs. concrete semantics. The main activity is participation in the development of the design and research paradigm, selection of psycho-diagnostic tools, analysis and generalization of the data obtained, expert work and work with graduate students.
- Blagovechtchenski, E., Gnedykh, D., Kurmakaeva, D., Mkrtychian, N., Kostromina, S., Shtyrov, Y. Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) of Wernicke’s and Broca’s Areas in Studies of Language Learning and Word Acquisition // JOVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments. – 2019 (21.05.2019). – e59159,. DOI: 10.3791/59159
- Prokofieva V., Brandt-Pomares P., Velay J-L, Hérold J-P., Kostromina S. Stress de l’évaluation scolaire : un nouveau regard sur un problème ancien // Recherches & Educations. – 2019. – №2, Р. 3-15.
- Moskvicheva N.L., Rean A.A., Kostromina S.N., Grishina N.V., Zinovieva E.V. Life Models in Young People: Ideas of Future Family and of Parental Model [Zhiznennyie modeli molodyih lyudey: predstavlenie o buduschey seme i modeli, transliruemoy roditelyami]. Psychological science and education [Psihologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie]. – 2019. – Т. 24. – № 3. – pp. 5 – 18. DOI: 10.17759/PSE.2019240301 (In Russian).
- Kostromina S.N., Grishina N.V., Zinivieva E.V., Moskvichva N.L., To Generation Subculture As A Factor Of Building A Life Scenario // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS. Published by the Future Academy. 2019. – V. LXIV. – P. 267 – 275.
- Kostromina S.N., Grishina N.V. The Dynamic Personality: ‘Continuity and Change’ // Psychology in Russia: State of the Art. – 2019 – V.12. – №.2. – P. 33-44. DOI: 10.11621/PIR.2019.0203
- Mkrtychian, N., Blagovechtchenski, E., Kurmakaeva, D., Gnedykh D., Kostromina, S., Shtyrov, Y. Concrete vs. Abstract Semantics: From Mental Representations to Functional Brain Mapping // Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2019. – V. 13 (267). DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2019.00267
- Kostromina S.N., Grishina N.V. The Future of Personality Theory: A Processual Approach // Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science. 2018.– V. 52. – № 2.– Р. 33 – 44. DOI: 10.1007/S12124-018-9420-3
- Katvalyan A.E., Kostromina S.N. Ethnic identity development features in adolescence (by the example of Russian and Armenian pupils) [Osobennosti razvitiya etnicheskoy identichnosti v podrostkovom vozraste (na primere russkih i armyanskih shkolnikov)]. World of Science. Pedagogy and psychology [Mir nauki]. – 2018. – Vol.6(1). Pp. С. 28. (In Russian).
- Grishina N.V., Kostromina S.N., Mironenko I.A. A problematic field structure of contemporary psychology of personality [Struktura problemnogo polya sovremennoy psihologii lichnosti]. Psychological Journal [Psihologicheskiy zhurnal]. – 2018. – Т. 39. – № 1. – С. 26 – 35. DOI: 10.7868/S0205959218010038 (In Russian).
- Zinovieva E.V., Kazantseva T.V., Pleshkova A.N., Kostromina S.N. The Quality of Paternal Relationalship in modern Russia // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS. Published by the Future Academy. 2018. – V. XLIII. – P. 248 – 256.. DOI: 10.15405/EPSBS.2018.07.33 (In Russian).
- Kostromina S.N., Pisarev А.Е. Examination stress at unified state examination: student destabilization or success factor [Ekzamenatsionnyiy stress na EGE: destabilizatsiya uchaschihsya ili faktor uspeha?] Social statistics [Statistika i ekonomika]. – 2017. № 3. – pp. 80 – 91. (In Russian).
- Bordovskaia N.V., Kostromina S.N, Rosum S.I., Moskvichva N.L., Student Research Potential: Content Creation and Assessment Method [Issledovatel`skij potencial studenta: sozdanie kontenta i metod ego ocenki] Psychological Journal [Psihologicheskiy zhurnal]. – 2017. – Val. – 38. – № 2. – pp. 89 – 103. (In Russian).
- Kostromina S., Gnedykh D.S., Ruschack E.A. Russian University Teachers’ Ideas about Pedagogic Frailty // Knowledge Management and E-Learning. – 2017. – V. 9. – № 3. – P. 311-328.
- Kostromina S., Gnedykh D.S. Text, charts or comics: reasonability of application of electronic visual forms in teaching psychology [Tekstyi, shemyi i komiksyi: tselesoobraznost primeneniya razlichnyih form elektronnoy naglyadnosti v prepodavanii psihologii]. Pedagogy and Psychology of Education [Pedagogika i psihologiya obrazovaniya]. – 2017. Vol.1. pp. 92-106. (In Russian).
- Kostromina S.N, Mkrtychian N,A., Kurmakaeva D.M., Gnedykh D.S., The interrelationship between cognitive control and academic success of first-year students: an interdisciplinary study // Psychology in Russia: State of the Art. – 2017. – V.8. – №.1. – P. 60-75. DOI: 10.11621/PIR.2017.0406
- Kostromina S., Gnedykh D., Molodtsova G., A psycho-pedagogical model for evaluating effectiveness of students’ learning on the basis of electronic visual rows / Optimizing Human-Computer Interaction With Emerging Technologies. USA, IGI Global, 2017. — P. 183-209. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2616-2.ch007
- Kostromina S.N., Medina Bracamonte N.A., Zashchirinskaia O.V. Modern tendencies of development of pedagogical psychology and psychology of education [Sovremennyie tendentsii pedagogicheskoy psihologii i psihologii obrazovaniya]. Vestnik of St. Petersburg State University [Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Seriya 12: Psihologiya. Sotsiologiya. Pedagogika]. – 2016. – Vol. 1. – pp. 109-117. (In Russian).
- Moskvicheva N., Kostromina S., The Role of Students’ Personality Characteristics in the Implementation of Scientific Research// European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences. – 2016. – V. 8. – P.135-142. DOI: 10.15405/EPSBS.2016.05.14
- Kostromina S.N., Demyanchuk R.V. The concept of professional and personal development of teachers: an anthropological approach [Kontseptsiya professionalno-lichnostnogo razvitiya pedagogov]. Problems of modern teacher education [Problemyi sovremennogo pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya]. – 2016. Vol.51(40). – pp. 342-353. (In Russian).
- Kostromina S., Zinovieva E., Pisarev A. Assessment of clients and their problem situations by young psychologists-consultants // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS. Published by the Future Academy. – 2016. – V. 9. – P. 23 -35. DOI: 10.15405/EPSBS.2016.05.02.3
- Kostromina S., Gurieva S., Borisova M., Khomyakova E. Trust in and Perception of Parents in Children with Different Coping Strategies // Procedia – Social and Behavioral Science. – 2016. – V. 233. – P. 35 – 41: Fifth Annual International Conference “Early Childhood Care and Education”, 12-14 May 2016, Moscow, Russia https://doi.org/10.1016/J.SBSPRO.2016.10.123
- Kostromina S.N., Demyanchuk R.V. Psychological mechanisms of professional and personal formation of teachers [Psihologicheskie mehanizmyi professionalno-lichnostnogo razvitiya pedagogov] Problems of modern teacher education [Problemyi sovremennogo pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya]. – 2016. – № 51-4. – pp. 460-467. (In Russian).
- Kostromina S., Gnedykh D., Students’ psychological characteristics as factor of effective acquisition of visualization in e-learning // Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. EpSBS. Published by the Future Academy. – 2016. – V. 217, – P. 34-41. DOI: 10.1016/J.SBSPRO.2016.02.016
- Kostromina S. N, Gnedykh D.S., Russian experience in application of concept maps in education. Communications in Computer and Information Science. – 2016. – V. 635. – P. 159-168. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-45501-3_12
- Chuvgunova O., Kostromina S., Planning function study: new ideas about stimuli function during EEG recoding // International Journal of Psychology. – 2016. V. 51. – P. 879.
- Chuvgunova O., Kostromina S., Planning as a learning skill of students// Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2016. – V. 217. – P. 132-138. DOI: 10.1016/J.SBSPRO.2016.02.045
- Kostromina S. Comparative Analysis of Different Concepts of Teaching in Russian Didactics // Comparative Research into didactics and Curriculum. National and International Perspectives/ Ed. Hallitzky M., Rakhkochkine A., Koch-Priewe B., Bad Heilbrunn. – 2016. – P. 207-219.
- Grishina N.V., Kostromina S.N. Personality psychology: rethinking traditional approaches in context challenges of modern reality [Psihologiya lichnosti: pereosmyislenie traditsionnyih podhodov v kontekste vyizovov sovremennosti]. Psikhologicheskie Issledovaniya. – 2015. – Т. 10. – № 52. – pp. 1. (In Russian).
- Kostromina S., Gnedykh D. Type of visualization and quality of digestion of education // Procedia-Social and Behavioral Science. – 2015. – V. 171. – P. .340-349. DOI: 10.1016/J.SBSPRO.2015.01.131
- Baturin N., Vuchetich E., Kostromina S., Kukarkin B., Kupriyanov E., Lurie E., Mitina O., Naumenko A., Orel E., Poletaeva Y., Popov A., Potapkin A., Simonenko S., Sinitsina J., Shmelev A. Russian Standard for Personnel Testing (Interim version, designed for a discussion). Organizational Psychology [Organizatsionnaya psihologiya]. 2015. – Т. 5. – № 2. – pp. 67-138. (In Russian).
- Kostromina S. Actualization of Future Medical Staff Personality Potential at the Stage of Mastering their Profession // Procedia-Social and Behavioral Science. – 2015. – V. 171. – P. 1194-1203. DOI: 10.1016/J.SBSPRO.2015.01.231
- Kostromina S.N., Bordovskaya N.V., Iskra N.N., Chuvgunova O.A., Gnedyh D.S., Kurmakaeva D.M. Neuroscience, psychology and education: problems and prospects for interdisciplinary studies [Neyronauka, psihologiya i obrazovanie: problemyi i perspektivyi mezhdistsiplinarnyih issledovaniy]. Psychological Journal [Psihologicheskiy zhurnal]. 2015. Vol.36(4). – pp. 61-70. (In Russian).
- Moskvicheva N., Kostromina S. The Development of Reflective Teaching Skills of Preservice Higher school Teachers // Proceedings: 9th International Technology, Education and Development. 2015. – P. 1806-1814. INTED Proceedings. International Association of Technology, Education and Development. Madrid, Spain. 2-4 March, 2015. ISBN: 978-84-606-5763-7
- Kostromina, S., Moskvicheva, N. Parents’ readiness for Social Partnership with Teachers. // Proceedings: 9th International Technology, Education and Development. 2015. – P. 1948-1956. I(NTED Proceedings). International Association of Technology, Education and Development. Madrid, Spain. 2-4 March, 2015. ISBN: 978-84-606-5763-7
- Kostromina S.N., Prokofeva V.V., Gnedykh D.S., Koroleva M.E. Psychophysiological monitoring of evaluation stress in school children [Psihofiziologicheskiy monitoring ekzamenatsionnogo stressa u shkolnikov]. Psikhologicheskie Issledovaniya. – 2015. – Vol.8(43). pp. 7. (In Russian).
- Kostromina S.N., Gnedykh D.S. Information and knowledge: approaches to understanding assimilation of information and knowledge formation in education [Informatsiya i znanie: podhodyi k ponimaniyu protsessov usvoeniya informatsii i formirovaniyu znaniy v obuchenii]. Pushkin leningrad state university journal [Vestnik Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni A.S. Pushkina. Seriya: Psihologiya]– 2015. – Vol.5(2). – pp. 5-14. (In Russian).
- Kostromina S., Zinovyеva E., Beykina A. Description of Problematic Situations for Students Referring to the Psychological Support Center of the St. Petersburg State University // Procedia-Social and Behavioral Science. – 2015. – V. 165. – P. 69-77. DOI: 10.1016/J.SBSPRO.2014.12.606
- Gurieva S.D., Kostromina S.N., Tcvetkova L.A., Samuylova I.A., Konfisakhor A.G., Anisimova T.V. Migration as an indicator of people’s social and psychological stability (as exemplified in the Pskov region) // Psychology in Russia: State of the Art. – 2015. – V.8. – №.1. – P. 61-73. DOI: 10.11621/PIR.2015.0106
- Kostromina S.N., Gnedykh D.S. Lecture with multimedia presentation: how to choose the best visual tools [Lektsiya – prezentatsiya: vyibor vizualnyih sredstv]. Open education [Otkryitoe obrazovanie]. 2015. – Т. 111. – № 4. – pp. 73-80. (In Russian).
- Kostromina S.N., Gurieva S.D., Samuilova I.A., Konfisahor A.G. Social-psychological paradoxes of economic development the russian’s region [Sotsialno-psihologicheskie paradoksyi ekonomicheskogo razvitiya regiona Rossii]. The Economic Revival of Russia [Ekonomicheskoe vozrozhdenie Rossii]. – 2014. – № 3 (41). pp. 71-82. (In Russian).
- Kostromina S.N., Gnedykh D.S. Psychological factors of students’ digestion of educational information depending on the type of multimedia presentations [Psihologicheskie faktoryi usvoeniya studentami uchebnoy informatsii v zavisimosti ot tipa multimediynoy prezentatsii]. Vestnik of St. Petersburg State University [Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Seriya 12: Psihologiya. Sotsiologiya. Pedagogika]. – 2014. – № 1. pp. 45-50. (In Russian).
- Kostromina S.N., Bordovskaia N.V., Rosum S.I., Moskvichva N.L., Iskra N.N. Reseach potential and cognitive features of students // Psychology in Russia: State of Art. – 2014. – № 7 (4). – pp. 112-136. DOI: 10.11621/PIR.2014.0411
- Kostromina S.N, Bordovskaia N.V. Personal features and research potential of students. The European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences. – 2013. – V. .5. – P. 1284-1293. DOI.org/10.15405/ejsbs.111
Kostromina S. Academic skills as a Basis for Self-organization of Human Activity. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Science. – 2013. – V. 86. – P. 543 – 550. DOI: 10.1016/J.SBSPRO.2013.08.611 - Bordovskaia N.V., Kostromina S.N. Potential and real students’ willingness to research [Potentsialnaya i realnaya gotovnost studenta k issledovaniyu]. Higher education in russia [Vyisshee obrazovanie v Rossii] – 2013. – № 10. pp. 125-133. (In Russian).
- Kostromina S.N. The peculiarities of development of a professional as a subject of psychodiagnostics [Osobennosti stanovleniya spetsialista kak sub’ekta psihodiagnosticheskoy deyatelnosti]. Psikhologicheskie Issledovaniya – 2010. – Vol.4(12). – pp. 3. (In Russian).
- Kostromina S.N. Rean А.А. Teacher’s Communicative Competence as a Factor of Successful Diagnostics [Kommunikativnaya kompetentnost pedagoga kak faktor uspeshnosti ego diagnosticheskoy deyatelnosti]. Psychological science and education [Psihologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie]. – 2007. Vol. 3. pp. 77 – 86. (In Russian).
- Kostromina S.N. Psychological types of unsuccessful teachers-diagnosticians [Psihologicheskie tipyi neuspeshnyih pedagogov-diagnostov]. Acmeology [Akmeologiya]. – 2007. – Vol. 2. pp. 99 – 107. (In Russian).
- Kostromina S.N. Functional organization of applied psychodiagnostics [Funktsionalnaya organizatsiya prikladnoy psihodiagnostiki]. Izvestiya Rossiyskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im. A.I. Gertsena. [Izvestia: herzen university journal of humanities & sciences] – 2007. – Vol.7(28), pp. 121 – 131. (In Russian).
- Anufriev A.F., Kostromina S.N. Diagnostic problems solution process study by a practical psychologist in education system [Reshenie diagnosticheskih zadach prakticheskim psihologom v sisteme obrazovaniya]. Voprosy Psychologii. – 2000. – Vol. 6. pp. 26-37. (In Russian).