Videos of the 4th International Neurobiology of Speech and Language Conference
Fuzzy nonnative lexical representations
Prof. Kira Gor (University of Maryland, USA)
Language pathways: The role of white-matter tracts in language processing
Prof. Olga Dragoy (Higher School of Economics, Russia)
(Non)existence of zero morpheme: ERP evidence
Maria Alekseeva, Andriy Myachykov, Yury Shtyrov
Do clothes make the man? Transposed-letter effects with logos
Ana Baciero, Manuel Perea, Francisco Rocabado, Ana Marcet
Handling two writing systems in the bilingual brain: ERP investigation
Beatriz Bermúdez Margaretto, Grigory Kopytin, Andriy Myachykov, Yury Shtyrov
Does color modulate masked identity priming? Evidence from lexical decision
María Fernández-López, Manuel Perea, Marta Vergara-Martínez
Contextual acquisition of novel words: Interactions with verbal abilities, motivation, ambiguity tolerance and neural dynamics
Nadezhda Mkrtychian, Svetlana Kostromina, Evgeny Blagovechtchenski, Daria Gnedykh, Diana Kurmakaeva, Yury Shtyrov
Development of phonological and orthographic parafoveal processing during reading in Russian
Vladislava Staroverova, Nina Zdorova
Anodal tDCS over Broca’s area improves learning of novel vocabulary
Ekaterina Perikova, Evgeny Blagovechtchenski, Margarita Filippova, Olga Shcherbakova, Alexander Kirsanov, Ekaterina Andriushchenko, Ekaterina Blinova, Yury Shtyrov
First dyslexic font in Russian: Evidence of efficiency and new questions
Svetlana Alexeeva, Vladislav Zubov
Processing of words and pseudowords in the thalamus and the subthalamic nucleus
Anna Chrabaszcz, Dengyu Wang, Witold J. Lipski, Alan Bush, Julie A. Fiez, R. Mark Richardson
Individual differences in prior knowledge application during word learning: A mechanistic Bayesian model
Hannah Marlatte, Jed Meltzer, Malcolm Binns, Asaf Gilboa
Can we identify a word by its upper half? ERP correlates of letter degradation during word recognition
Marta Vergara-Martínez, María Fernández-López, Montserrat Comesaña, Manuel Perea
Differential effects of tDCS of Wernicke’s area and its righthemisphere homologue on contextual acquisition of novel words
Daria Gnedykh, Diana Kurmakaeva, Nadezhda Mkrtychian, Evgeny Blagovechtchenski, Svetlana Kostromina, Yury Shtyrov
Eye movements during reading in Russian-speaking children with dyslexia
Sofya Goldina, Anastasiya Lopukhina, Anna Laurinavichyute, Olga Dragoy
Phonological and orthographic processing affect reading fluency in Russian children
Nina Zdorova, Anastasiya Lopukhina, Olga Vedenina, Sofya Goldina, Anastasiia Kaprielova, Vladislava Staroverova, Ksenia Bartseva, Olga Dragoy
Different types of regressions as a text processing skills indicator: Eye-tracking study of reading in 9-11 years old dyslexics
Sergei Oganov, Alexandr Kornev
The impact of capitalization of German nouns on semantic processing
Melanie Labusch, Manuel Perea, Sonja Kotz
The effect of different types of semantic cues on word retrieval success in tip-of-the-tongue states
Elizaveta Sokolenko, Svetlana Malyutina
Systematicity in language
Hana Jee, Monica Tamariz, Richard Shillcock